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How to Praise
April 24, 2013
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrain of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.
-Rachel Carson
"Kind words can be powerful motivators, but only if you praise the right things," reports psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson in Psychology Today (March 2013). "Praising someone's ability to work hard is more effective than gushing about how brilliant she is. Research shows that kids who are praised for their intelligence do not try as hard on future tasks. Praising smarts breeds the belief that things should come naturally — and if they don't, kids think they are no longer bright. Or they choose unchallenging paths so as not to be exposed as 'frauds'.

"Being praised for effort or other aspects of performance directly under your control leads to resilience, while being praised for being smart or some other innate abilities can lead to feelings of helplessness or self-doubt when a setback occurs. The ideal is to help someone think positively but realistically about achieving goals while praising their hard work. When praised for persistence, those who think the path ahead will be difficult invest more effort."

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Comments (2)

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Peter Gebhardt · May 18, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

*Encouragement, as opposed to praise, supports children's efforts more directly. Observing what children do, and making a comment such as "Oh, I see you painted a picture!" Would you like to tell me about your picture?", instead of "What a nice picture you painted!" supports their learning and discovery processes wholeheartedly. The latter statement really gives them no information, and the conversation deadends there. All they know is that you like their painting. And I think we want children to love painting for its own sake, not to just please an adult.

Sithembile · May 08, 2013
Mbabane, Swaziland

This is a very good program me,i am a teacher with a lots of teaching experience but what i get from your programme is exceptional y good.

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