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Get instant access to our library of over 400 closed-captioned, high-quality early childhood training and education video clips to bring any training or class alive or enhance your personal practice.

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What is Ed.Flicks?

Ed.Flicks gives you access to our library of over 400 high-quality, closed-captioned video clips that you can stream or download and/or embed for college courses, training, and your own professional development. These video clips include insights from leaders in the field of early childhood care and education (average runtime is 8 minutes).

You can easily search Ed.Flicks by topic, keyword, presenter, clip title, and clip series.

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Ed.Flicks Highlights

Challenging Behaviors
Holly Elissa Bruno
Classroom Observation
Valora Washington
Social Justice and Equity
Rusty Keeler
Family Partnerships
Ann Pelo
Infants and Toddlers
Deb Curtis
Nutrition and Health
Angelica Guerrero

What is Challenging Behavior?
Natural Outdoor Classrooms
Children and Social Justice
The Importance of Seeing Children

Who Uses Ed.Flicks?

Professors and Faculty

Ed.Flicks video clips provide the perfect basis for classroom discussion. Play video clips live in-person or online; upload or embed video clips into your LMS; add student streaming access to give students access to the entire Ed.Flicks library.


Center Directors

Use Ed.Flicks video clips as a platform for staff development and training. View video clips collectively as part of in-house staff training or purchase a group subscription to provide access to all staff to search and view video clips that are relevant to their immediate needs.

State Agencies/R&R

Provide all authorized trainers with access to the Ed.Flicks library to select the video clips most relevant to their trainings and outreach support. Integrate video clips into approved training courses.


Trainers and Consultants

Incorporate Ed.Flicks video clips into training exercises and/or group discussions to demonstrate and support your training content.


Support your own professional development through insights from a variety of seasoned professionals and leaders in the field as well as scenes of appropriate practice gathered from innovative early childhood classrooms across the country.


College Libraries

Provide IP access to the entire Ed.Flicks video clip library for all institution members by adding student streaming access to an Ed.Flicks streaming and download subscription.

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"We love having an Ed.Flicks subscription and feel it fits our early childhood program well and benefits our students greatly. In fact, a student of ours, who is now a director/owner of their own early childhood program, told me they liked Ed.Flicks so much that they subscribed and use it with their staff to elicit discussion and give examples of best practices."

- Teresa Thompson, Department Chair of Early Childhood Education at Butler Community College