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33 Ways to Stay Creative
March 28, 2013
Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.
-Anthony Robbins
Good Magazine recently posted this "Awesome 33 Ways to Stay Creative" List:
  1. Make lists
  2. Carry a notebook everywhere
  3. Try free writing
  4. Get away from the computer
  5. Be otherworldly
  6. Quit beating yourself up
  7. Take breaks
  8. Sing in the shower
  9. Drink coffee/tea
  10. Know your roots
  11. Listen to new music
  12. Be open
  13. Surround yourself with creative people
  14. Get feedback
  15. Collaborate
  16. Don't give up
  17. Practice, practice, practice
  18. Allow yourself to make mistakes
  19. Go somewhere new
  20. Watch foreign films
  21. Count your blessings
  22. Get lots of rest
  23. Take risks
  24. Break the rules
  25. Do more of what makes you happy
  26. Don't force it
  27. Read a page of the dictionary
  28. Create a framework
  29. Stop trying to be perfect
  30. Got an idea? Write it down
  31. Clean your workspace
  32. Have fun
  33. Finish something

Here are some of the articles in the July/August 2012 issue of Exhange:
  • EVERYDAY CREATIVITY: Everyday Creativity — Spaces and Places for Ideas to Flourish by Paula Jorde Bloom and Ann Hentschel
  • ESSENTIAL IDEAS: Essential Ideas for Healthy Childhoods — Contributed ideas
  • IDEAS LEADING TO CHANGE: Significant Ideas and Progressive Change by Gwen Morgan and Anne Mitchell
  • EXPLORING IDEAS: Seeing Children's Ideas by Deb Curtis
  • TALKING ABOUT IDEAS: Conversations that Generate New Ideas by Margie Carter
  • RISKS AND IDEAS: Giving Ourselves Permission to Take Risks by Elizabeth Jones
  • FROM IDEA TO POSSIBILITY: Living in the WOW of Your Ideas by M. Parker Mabry
  • CREATIVITY 101: Everyone Can Be Creative — Here's How by Roger Neugebauer
Learn More!


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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Francis Wardle · March 28, 2013
Denver, United States

I think this list lacks non-verbal activities (I know we are all extremely focused on literacy!) - art, music, dance, sculpture, photography. I think one of the best ways to encourage creativity is to do something using a medium one does not use on a daily basis. Most of us spend too mush time with words!

Jennifer Carsen · March 28, 2013
Daycare In Demand
Portsmouth, NH, United States

This is a great list, but I think "finish something" is probably my single favorite item on it - nothing frees you to be creative like finally scratching something off that long "to-do" list!

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