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Strategies for Dealing with Gossip
September 7, 2012
Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire.
-William B. Yeats
"Gossip tears at the fabric of an organization by removing the positive feelings and insinuating distrust," notes Holly Elissa Bruno in the Exchange VOICES DVD, "Supporting Teacher Performance."

In her 9-minute segment on the DVD, which can be viewed using this link, Bruno makes these additional points:

"Gossip is communicating about someone who is not present with the intention of harming that person's reputation....

"The director has critical power to make a difference when it comes to gossip....  We are wired to magnify a director's influence more than a peer's influence.  So if a director takes a stand, we are all going to feel it."

These are not your typical training DVDs. No scripts. No staged events. Interlaced with real-life classroom video, these powerful DVDs offer you practical ideas and experienced insights from seasoned professionals who speak with the passion and perspective that can only come from years of working with directors, teachers, young children, and their families. Each DVD provides a rich platform for staff development and training sessions that will inspire, motivate, teach, provoke new thinking, and generate lively discussions.

Voices on DVD Titles Include:


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