Web Advertising

To compliment your print advertising Exchange now offers an effective web advertising program. “Pay-Per-Click” advertising on ChildCareExchange.com is a quick, effective way to promote your products and services to the early childhood community on the web. Early childhood professionals rely on Exchange magazine and ChildCareExchange.com as THE source for keeping up with trends and developments in the ECE field.

Where Your Web Advertising Will Appear

The Exchange Web “Pay-Per-Click” web ad program uses three different ad formats to attract customers to your web site. Your “Pay-Per-Click” advertising program will consist of:

  1. BANNER AD: found on all pages of ChildCareExchange.com on a rotating basis.
  2. DISPLAY AD: Embedded on a rotating basis in all of the free articles found on the homepage at ChildCareExchange.com. You can also find the display ads on our online ExchangeEveryDay articles.
  3. Three digital ads are placed on ExchangeEveryDay (EED), our daily newsbrief e-mailed every workday morning to over 86,000 ECE professionals, including center owners, directors, administrations, trainers, educators, and teachers. Note that ads on EED are extremely limited in number and reserved for advertisers who establish a MINIMUM SPENDING CAP of $650 in clickthroughs (since ads cannot be pulled once this e-mail has been sent).

You Control Your Marketing Costs

With the Exchange web “Pay-Per-Click” ad program you, ONLY pay when someone clicks on your ad and is directed to your web site. You only pay for the number of unique clicks your ad attracts. You risk nothing!

Web “Pay-Per-Click” ad rates:

  • $3.00/per clickthroughs on Banner and Display ad.
  • $6.50/per clickthroughs on EED ads within EED daily newsbrief.

You Define Your Spending Cap

You define your budget by setting a MAXIMUM SPENDING CAP. Exchange will work to provide you with as many clicks as your MONTHLY budget can handle. Once your ad has reached your projected goal for the month, we will pull your ads until the beginning of the next month. There are no surprises or unknowns. You will never pay more than your maximum spending CAP that you establish.

You Receive Instant Feedback

From your secure account on the Exchange web site, you can constantly monitor the results of your program in real time.

Exchange staff will constantly monitor the results of your ad placement and make position changes and/or augmentations as needed to meet your established monthly goals.

Ad Materials You Need to Prepare

  1. ExchangeEveryDay (EED) Ad:
    • 1 Image
      width: 165 pixels
      height: 300 pixels
      format: JPG, PNG, GIF (no animation)
      size: 50K preferred, 100K maximum
    • Text: Maximum of 200 characters - no styling allowed (this text will display if the subscribers do not load images when reading their emails)
    • 1 URL
  2. Banner Ad:
    • 1 Image
      width: 315 pixels
      height: 75 pixels
      format: JPG, PNG, or animated GIF
      size: 50K preferred, 100K maximum
    • 1 URL

  3. Display Ad:
    • 1 Image
      width: 165 pixels
      height: 300 pixels
      format: JPG, PNG, or animated GIF
      size: 50K preferred, 100K maximum
    • 1 URL

Where to Send Your Materials

E-mail your files to [email protected]