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Working with Purpose as a Form of Self-Care
August 25, 2022
Finally I was able to see that if I had a contribution I wanted to make, I must do it, despite what others said. That I was OK the way I was. That it was all right to be strong.
-Wangari Maathai, 1940-2011, first African woman to receive the Nobel Prize, for her activism

Among the seven ‘lanterns of care’ Carol Garboden Murray writes about in Illuminating Care is the act of self-care. Garboden Murray focuses on her sense of purpose as a form of self-care:

“Now, as a director of child care, acknowledging to myself that I am able to act upon the heartfelt convictions of my younger self, by supporting teachers and caring for the caregivers, offers me a form of validation and internal reward that nourishes me. The recognition that the work I do on a daily basis makes a difference in the lives of others sustains me and is an embedded form of self-care. When I design a schedule where teachers have the time to reflect and plan together, when I offer them a high-quality professional development opportunity, or when I prepare healthy food to share with everyone at our teacher meetings, I can view my work as a way to express my care and my purpose in the world.”

She continues, “Aligning my daily work with my beliefs and my convictions helps me view myself as an everyday activist. This view of myself is often the difference between working with purpose and self-care or working towards burn-out. I believe that every teacher has the opportunity to do work that aligns their heart and mind. Teaching can be a source of purpose, which is self-nourishing. Teaching with a sense of conviction, and with a philosophy that drives your practice, is a radical act of self-care. As care ambassadors in our communities, we take a stand for care and we become the catalyst that changes the way our society views care.”

Illuminating Care:
The Pedagogy and Practice of Care in
Early Childhood Communities

Illuminating Care: The Pedagogy and Practice of Care in Early Childhood Communities is a powerful exploration of caregiving as a vital component of education and child development and a crucial building block of human community and society.

Carol Garboden Murray meaningfully invites educators, parents and caregivers to experience the essential strength and value of their care for young children, the artistry and integrity of it, in the routines of daily life.


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