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Share Your Work with Passionate Early Childhood Professionals Worldwide
August 24, 2022
There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.
-Idowu Koyenikan, Author

"The World Forum on Early Care and Education is unlike any other gathering. The program is crafted to build relationships, expand perspectives, and provoke new thinking. Public status or recognition are not required to take on any role at World Forum...We rely on individuals to step forward and share their experiences and insights. All delegates, in-person or attending virtually, on stage and in the audience, share an equal voice. Everyone has something to learn and something to share."

This call for proposals from the World Forum Foundation, due September 23, calls out to each one of you, to consider what you have to share of your own learning journey as an early childhood professional and to join a worldwide community of people committed to supporting children and families in all situations and circumstances. "The World Forum spirit is created in part through sessions with presenters who come together from diverse backgrounds, experiences, cultures and regions." You are invited to submit a proposal as an individual contributor to a panel, a group of 4-5 panelists together or as leader(s) of a unique session that doesn't fit a panel or speaker format.

"The Spirit of World Forum is so vibrant and electrifying that you cannot forget it ever. The values of the Forum are not just words— you all bring it alive through each interaction and are very intentional about it."
– Guaravi Jadhav, India


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