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Effective Leaders Delegate
February 3, 2022
Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr., from Life’s Little Instruction Book

In a Harvard Business Review article, Jesse Sostrin explains, “One of the most difficult transitions for leaders to make is the shift from doing to leading…

"Elevating your impact requires you to embrace an unavoidable leadership paradox: You need to be more essential and less involved. When you justify your hold on work, you’re confusing being involved with being essential.”

How does everything get better when a leader feels confident delegating responsibilities to people throughout the organization? According to Debra Sullivan, writing in Leading Early Childhood Organizations:

“Spreading leadership broad and deep results in a more inclusive process that represents everyone and provides the leader with the opportunity to:

  • not have to be in charge of everything.
  • not have to work alone.
  • begin to recognize, appreciate, support, and make use of the leadership potential of those who surround us (very important)."

The Art of Leadership
Early Childhood Organizations

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Leadership matters in early childhood. Leading Early Childhood Organizations provides you with practical advice from top experts on leadership in the early childhood arena. Content focuses on the skills required to lead an organization, supervise staff, and manage the organization.

Offer valid through July 22, 2022, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
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ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Exchange Press · February 04, 2022
United States

Rebecca -thank you! I'm excited for you to read them :)

-Tiffany at Exchange Press

Rebecca Ann Escott · February 03, 2022
Penn State Better Kid Care
State College, PA, United States

This was a great change of pace for a daily e-blast! GREAT idea to share it. I have a couple of those books started on my own reading pile

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