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Sharing Favorite Books
January 31, 2022
The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.
-Ursula K. Le Guin

Heather Bernt Santy, a.k.a. That Early Childhood Nerd, recently shared the top five books she read in 2021. We thought you might enjoy a chance to match an inspiring quote with each author and book—or simply enjoy the quotes. If you’re craving rich conversation, listen in on the many conversations inspired by these books on That Early Childhood Nerd’s podcast.


[A] “Child's play may be highly enjoyable but it is not trivial. To grow and thrive, children have to play… It is essential to the healthy development of their minds and bodies and to cultivating the complex personal and social skills they need to make their way in the world.”

[B] “I believe that when I speak openly and honestly with children, I communicate to them that their ideas are worthy of conversation, and that they have meaningful contributions to make to our shared thinking and discourse.”

[C] “We will listen, yes, but not simply to document. We will listen in order to connect with the children’s thinking and emotion, and to align with their intention, in a way that is not intrusive, but informed, and therefore genuinely respectful and responsive.”

[D] “Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where children feel safe enough to share what they feel inside is critical. This can make the difference between a child learning to feel accepted and developing a sense of belonging, or a child internalizing shame and self-doubt that can lead to serious consequences for their futures.”

[E] “When I recognize the richness and variety of my life as a teacher of young children, I recognize that early education and care is an invitation to live a creative life.”

That Early Childhood Nerd’s top five books and authors are:

#5 A Can of Wormsby Nick Terrones
#4 Pursuing Bad Guysby Donna King
#3 Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms, by Encian Pastel et al,
#2 Let the Children Play, by Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle
#1 Illuminating Careby Carol Garboden Murray

Be sure to share your top five books—and quotes—in the comments!

(Answers: [A] #2, [B] #5,  [C] #4,  [D] #3. [E] #1)

Pursuing Bad Guys:
Joining Children's Quest for Clarity, Courage and Community

Use coupon code COURAGE to get
10% off of this title when you order today.

How do you handle “bad guys?” Join a yearlong, child-led investigation of goodness and badness, real and pretend, safety and courage. Expand your practice as you learn alongside a passionate and creative teacher, who takes risks and shares the outcomes as this energizing story unfolds.

Offer valid through June 24, 2022, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. May not be combined with any other offer. Not valid on past purchases or bulk purchase discounts.


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