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Seeing Children Delight in Sensory Experiences
October 2, 2017
Teachers should know everything. My teacher knows everything. Like how to use kind words.
-Lily Cernic, age 5

After describing an experience where two young girls completely immersed themselves in exploring chalk, author Deb Curtis (in her book Really Seeing Children), explains a transformation in her thinking about the value children derive from fully exploring art materials with all their senses.

"We are grateful to Jessica and Isabella for showing us how much more children see and engage with the sensory world than we imagined. We are now committed to presenting materials with an awareness of their fuller aesthetic possibilities and making time for children to explore them...Whether we observe children using paint, glue, clay or chalk, we will be eager to see children covering their hands, arms and faces and then reaching out to each other. From the initial dip of a finger to the colored water running down their arms at clean up, children see that life is meant to be experienced with all their senses!"

Really Seeing Children

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Really Seeing Children helps adults leave behind their own preoccupations so they can be fully present for children. Deb Curtis, in her more than 40 years as an early childhood educator, has cultivated a reflective teaching practice devoted to really seeing children.

Through her collection of stories and photographs, learn to suspend your adult agenda to really see children's perspectives and the amazing ways they experience the world. Taking up this practice will bring joy and deeper understanding to your work and life and allow you to engage with children in a more meaningful teaching and learning process.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Missy Brown · October 02, 2017
Ccr&R At John A Logan College
Carterville, IL, United States

I once visited a program in St. Louis, Missouri that had a glass shower in the program which was used for children to do exactly what you are describing. The children weren't there when we visited but I sure would have loved to see them in action!

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