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Engage in Open Dialogue
October 26, 2016
It is quite true what philosophy says that life must be understood backwards. But above that, one forgets the second sentence, that it must be lived forward.
-Søren Kierkegaard, Philosopher, 1813-1855

"We are not born with biases and stereotypes; we learn them through our interactions with our social environment. It is critical to our ongoing professional development that we regularly examine our assumptions, beliefs, and biases and the effects of these on the people in our lives."

In her Exchange article, Recognizing and Addressing Microaggressions in Teacher-Family Relationships, Maryam Daha continues, "Changing our attitudes and beliefs is difficult, but it is important and valuable work. Moving away from a rigid disposition to a learning disposition, engaging in open dialogues to identify and address microaggressions, and reflecting critically on the system of social inequities are all important steps along a path to truly celebrating diversity in all its forms.

"Teachers, in their interactions with families, can unintentionally use words and behaviors that deliver negative and denigrating messages. These microaggressions can be subtle, at times unconscious and without intended harm, but may cause a rift in family-teacher relationships. Communicating with a learning disposition leads to a willingness to learn about the worldview of the family, and focuses on practical strategies that strengthen cross-cultural communication."

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