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Growing A Culture of Inquiry
March 10, 2016
Expect that what you tend to will grow. Expect that what you feed with your care and attention, what you shine your light on, will thrive. Choose wisely.
-Maggie Smith, American poet

"Early childhood programs ought to be incubators of inquiry," writes Ann Pelo in her article "Growing a Culture of Inquiry: Observation as Professional Development," which is one of the articles to be read in the Exchange CEU packet, "Observation and Assessment for Teachers."  She suggests asking questions like these to help make meaning of classroom observations:

  • What are we curious about as we listened to this story of children play?
  • What are the children curious about?  What are they trying to figure out?
  • What knowledge are the children drawing on?  What theories are they testing?
  • How are the children building on each other's ideas, perspectives, and contributions?
  • Are there any inconsistencies in the children's thinking?

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Lori · March 10, 2016
Pennsylvania, United States

Talk to the children, listen to the children--this is not rocket science. Care for them and be interested in what they are doing----natural conversation that flows from what's happening in the classroom--perfect!

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