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Music Helps Infants Communicate
December 2, 2015
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
-A.A. Milne

A fascinating article, "15 Adorable Facts about How Children Learn", in Mental Floss magazine, offered this "adorable" insight:

"A 2012 study of 1-year-old infants found that interactive music classes lead to better communication. The babies learned to play percussion instruments and sing songs with their parents in an early music class. Compared with a control group, these children showed a greater sensitivity to musical structures and tones, along with better early communication skills like waving goodbye or pointing to an object they wanted."

The Best for Babies

Expert Advice for Assessing Infant-Toddler Programs

Caregiver-child interactions are critically important in promoting cognitive, language, and social-emotional learning in young children. With examples and detailed explanations, The Best for Babies illuminates the behaviors and interactions that teachers or care providers should provide for the children in their care. The book offers an easy-to-use checklist to assess each teacher-child interpersonal relationship and the ways caregivers offer learning and living experiences for young children. Teachers and caregivers can use the checklist to grow in their professional expertise and careers as they continue to guide children's learning and well-being. Directors and mentors can use the information gained by using the checklist to help teachers and caregivers optimize the outcomes for each child.

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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Francis Wardle · December 02, 2015
Denver, CO, United States

This is great! But what is the hurry? During the early years we need to focus on nurturing, developing trust, and providing an emotional goodness-of-fit. Everything else comes second. The fact that all cultures have lullabies seems to indicate the value of music.

Rebecca Candra · December 02, 2015
San Diego, CA, United States

Too bad mental Floss used the adjective ADORABLE rather than AMAZING... Adorable, cute, sweet, lovable are such condescending terms to describe all that goes on with children... making a child an object for our enjoyment. Let's give these babies credit for all they are doing and learning... Otherwise this is a great list of reminders for parents and caregivers.

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