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Learn to Persevere
October 13, 2015
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
-Maya Angelou

The Bright Side website posted an article, "Nine vital habits to help you achieve your dreams."  Included among the vital habits were get up early, read a lot, don't overcomplicate things, and slow things down.  The final habit recommended was to learn to persevere:

"Thomas Edison is said to have tried 10,000 times to come up with a successful design for the light bulb before he came upon the answer.  Walt Disney was rejected by 303 banks before he found one willing to provide funding for Disneyland.  There's a natural law of the universe at work here.  If your goal is to achieve what you want — whatever it may be — then you have to persevere.  Never let momentary failure get you down, keep going and never give up."

Learning From the Bumps in the Road

As you read about the bumps the authors have encountered throughout their careers, you will be encouraged and challenged to think more deeply and openly about your own practices and philosophies. You will gain a renewed sense of purpose as you help children reach their full potential. And, you will discover — as the authors did — that every bump in the road is an invitation to grow and opportunity to learn.



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