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The Nature Cure
September 17, 2015
The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.
-Carol Ryrie Brink, author

This commercial from the Nature-RX.org website, seems like a perfect follow-up to yesterday's message about outdoor experiences from your childhood.  Warning:  The videos on this site are both humorous and a bit edgy — not for kids.

Nature RX Part I

Natural Playscapes
Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul

Enjoy 20% off this title for a limited time!

You can do it! You can create extraordinary outdoor places for young children without highly complex play contraptions surrounded by a sea of wood chips or gravel… Places for children that tickle the imagination and surprise the senses… Places for young ones of all abilities to discover themselves and the world around them. This magnificent 316-page resource contains close to 500 color photographs and illustrations.
Download a 26-Page Free Preview (PDF)

Use code PLAYSCAPE when prompted.

Offer valid through March 28, 2019 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
May not be combined with any other offer.


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ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Beth Engelhardt · September 17, 2015
Dayton, Ohio, United States

Brilliant! You guys find the latest and greatest about life, children and the world around us.

Thank you,

P.S. I just wish I didn't have to take a math test everytime.:)

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