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15/5 Communication Tool
May 7, 2013
The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process.
-Barbara Coloroso
In discussing the challenges with communication in early childhood settings in his column in Exchange, Dennis Vicars described a tool he found to be "remarkably successful" — the 15/5.

"It is a simple instrument that is filled out at the end of the day on Friday afternoon;  I use it to keep in touch with my staff.  It takes 15 minutes to think about and 5 minutes to fill out.  There are 5 questions that I ask my team to respond to before leaving for the weekend:

• What were your successes for the week?
• What were your challenges this week?
• What are your upcoming challenges?
• What can we do to be a better school?
• What can I/we do to help you?

"Over the years, I have found this one-page, 5-question exercise to be extremely important in ways I had never dreamed of when I first created it.  First, this ­simple device creates a weekly forum for open discussion.  I have found that people are often more open and honest with pen and paper than looking at you eye to eye.  In fact, they will often tell you more than they intended.  Second, even though the feedback on one week might not tell you the full story of what’s happening in your program, over a period of weeks or months, you can identify trends and proactive ­measures you can take before issues become problems.  Third, you now have both the opportunity to assist your staff with their challenges and direct the appropriate resources to ensuring their success.  This process builds their trust and faith in you as a leader.  Based on their input, you take action or at least take the time to explain why or why not."


Exchange Press's all-time bestseller, The Art of Leadership: Managing Early Childhood Organizations, serves as an invaluable guidebook for early childhood managers and textbook for early childhood instructors. The comprehensive guide, includes contributions from the leading experts in the field on the following management areas...

  • Leadership
  • Advocacy
  • Getting Organized
  • Legal Issues
  • Financial Management
  • And much more...


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ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Peter Gebhardt · October 26, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

I wrote my daily lesson plans based on my anecdotal notes of what the children did and said that day, in my 4s & 5s kindergarten classes. My principal wanted a weekly lesson plan turned in on Thursdays. So I turned in one he liked. High/Scope curriculum, the one I implemented in my class, which I loved, is a child-initiated and adult-guided curriculum. Check it out at high/scope.org

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