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Your Image of the Child
May 3, 2013
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
-Lou Holtz
Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach, offered these insights on the image of the child is his article, "Your Image of the Child:  Where Teaching Begins," in the Exchange Essential: Inspiring Practices - Part 1.

"There are hundreds of different images of the child.  Each one of you has inside yourself an image of the child that directs you as you begin to relate to a child.  This theory within you pushes you to behave in certain ways; it orients you as you talk to the child, listen to the child, observe the child.  It is very difficult for you to act contrary to this internal image.  For example, if your image is that boys and girls are very different from one another, you will behave differently in your interactions with each of them.

"The environment you construct around you and the children also reflects this image you have about the child.  There's a difference between the environment that you are able to build based on a preconceived image of the child and the environment that you can build that is based on the child you see in front of you — the relationship you build with the child, the games you play.  An environment that grows out of your relationship with the child is unique and fluid.

"The quality and quantity of relationships among you as adults and educators also reflects your image of the child.  Children are very sensitive and can see and sense very quickly the spirit of what is going on among the adults in their world.  They understand whether the adults are working together in a truly collaborative way or if they are separated in some way from each other, living their experience as if it were private with little interaction."

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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Peter Gebhardt · May 03, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

*Very insightful article. Children deserve an open, caring, attentive adult who can form an authentic relationship with them. And when adults can model authentic relationships with each other in the classroom with the children, well then... that's ideal.

Elsa L. Tsae · May 03, 2013
Gaborone, Southern East, Botswana

Your image of the child issue

Yes, it is true that in each and everyone of us there is a child. I have observed time and again from self and friends, that, this child within us is been oppressed by our environment, especially our societal norms. In the sense that, it will depend on where I am and who I am with for me to say and do what I want to say or do. When I am in Botswana I am most of the time governed by my cultural status and people around me, but when I go to the another country where I meet people I do not know, I act differently.

This is my opinion

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