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Traits of Successful Leaders
May 2, 2013
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
-e. e. cummings
In her book, What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program, Holly Elissa Bruno describes the five traits of successful leaders that have been identified by Adam Bryant:

Passionate curiosity:  Deep sense of engagement with the world.

Battle-hardened confidence:  Track record of facing down, learning from, and growing stronger through adversity.

Team smarts:  Bringing the best out of staff teams, by using or altering the organization's unwritten rules.

Simple mindset:  Ability to see through information overload to the heart of the matter.

Fearlessness:  Willingness to think differently, despite pressure or inertia, and risk making changes for the better.

What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program

What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program: Emotional Intelligence in Practice is the first and only early childhood leadership book anchored in what matters most: the art and science of building relationships. Emotional intelligence is the ability to read people as well as you read books and to know how to use that information wisely. Each chapter begins with a case study that features richly complex, everyday challenges facing early childhood program directors. Alongside case studies are theory and principles, pointers and problem-solving steps to help you practice and hone your leadership skills.

  • Part I — Forming: Setting Up the Program and Yourself for Success
  • Part II — Storming: Identifying, Preventing, and Addressing Resistance to Change
  • Part III — Norming: Establishing Management Systems
  • Part IV — Performing: Putting Principles into Practice
  • Part V — Re-Forming: Renewing, Refreshing, Dreaming of What Might Be

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Comments (1)

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Jennifer Carsen · May 02, 2013
Daycare In Demand
Portsmouth, NH, United States

To this list--which I completely agree with--I would also add 1) infinite patience and 2) the ability to step back and not take things too personally. As an Early Childhood leader you need to have strong relationships with children and adults (both parents and staff), and it's not easy, to say the least!

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