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Toddler Transitions
April 25, 2013
Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born of another time.
-Hebrew Proverb
"Transitions are predictable rituals that toddlers learn to trust and rely on," note Beverly Kovach and Susan Patrick, in their book, Being with Infants and Toddlers. "Many toddlers have difficulty during transitions due to their internal emotional struggle between dependency and independency. This may interfere with providing calm transitions."

The authors offer these suggestions for toddler transitions:

  • Use a signal to specify transition time.
  • Tell the toddlers what they are about to do.
  • Allow time for toddlers to act and process (toddlers take more time than adults to process information).
  • Give one clear rule or limit or action.
  • Avoid herding or gathering toddlers.
  • Be an active participant in the process... If one adult is engaged with the group the other should position herself where the children need to go.

For the next 24 hours, when you buy this DVD and book combo you will save $20.
  • Being with Infants and Toddlers: A Curriculum that Works for Caregivers
  • Voices DVD: Caring for Infants and Young Toddlers

View and Purchase

(Sale Ends 04/25/2013 11:59 pm PST)


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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Geula Zamist · April 25, 2013
Caldwell, New Jersey, United States

I love that quote about children's time and was wondering if anyone had the source of that "hebrew proverb"

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