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Learning Simple Arithmetic
April 22, 2013
Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done.
-Bo Bennett

While preschool children can be taught to recite answers to simple arithmetic problems, it is more important at that stage to help children grasp the rules that underlie the solutions. In The Intentional Teacher, Ann Epstein provides examples of how teachers can implement strategies to enhance children's early understanding and use of arithmetic:

  • Use real objects when helping children work through arithmetic problems. For example, if a child is building a tower of three blocks, count them with the child, and ask how many blocks there would be if the child added two more to make it taller. Wonder aloud how many blocks would be left if the child made it three blocks shorter. The child can add or subtract the actual blocks and count the result to determine the answer.
  • Pose challenges that build on children's interests. For example, if a child has drawn a picture of a dog, wonder aloud whether the child can draw a dog "twice as big" or "half as big."
  • Encourage children to reflect on their arithmetic solutions rather than telling them if they're right or wrong. When children are stumped (though not yet frustrated) or arrive at erroneous answers, resist the temptation to give the answer or correct them. Instead, offer comments or pose questions that encourage them to rethink their solutions.

For the next 24 hours, when you buy these two books together you will save $10.
  • Teaching Four-Year-Olds: A Personal Journey
  • The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children's Learning

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(Sale Ends 04/22/2013 11:59 pm PST)


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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Peter Gebhardt · April 23, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

Embedding the classroom with numbers makes math fun, easy, and natural...classroom job lists are great counting exercises...childten's favorite numbers with objects are great examples...

srandolph · April 22, 2013
batesville, ms., United States

Big Day book is very educational and each lessons are on children levels.

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