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ECEC Names M. A. Lucas
April 18, 2013
No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.
-Helen Keller
The Early Care and Education Consortium (ECEC), a national alliance of America’s leading private non profit and for profit providers of early learning programs, announced the appointment of nationally renowned early childhood expert M. A. Lucas as its new Executive Director. The ECEC Board also announced the promotion of Policy Director Mary Beth Salomone Testa to Deputy Executive Director.

ECEC Board President Mike Radway noted that the hallmark of M. A.’s 30-plus year career with the United States Army was “the transformation of the Army’s child development programs into a model for the nation that has been praised by groups as diverse as the U.S. General Accountability Office, the U.S. Congress, the Clinton Administration, the Urban Institute, the National Women’s Law Center, and Child Care Aware. Most importantly to us,” added Radway, “M. A. shares our passion for serving children and families, our commitment to quality, and a keen understanding of what it takes to bring quality to scale.”

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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Thom Green · April 19, 2013
Exchange Press
United States

That's a good question. Unfortunately, we don't actually know. Perhaps someone in the greater community does.

Jean Nathanson · April 18, 2013
Country Childrens Center
Yorktown Heights, New York, United States

What does M.A. stand for? Congratulations on becoming an Executive Director.

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