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Ask Dumb Questions
April 16, 2013
Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors.
-Fred Rogers

"If you need to feel smart, you won't think of dumb questions. If you need to look smart, you won't ask dumb questions." These are the observations of Jake Breeden in Tipping Sacred Cows: Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013).

"Both of those needs can get in the way of actually doing something smart. Expertise can be a curse. It's the sort of reward we work hard to achieve, and once we've achieved it we must protect it....

"If you need to attack the unhealthy desire to seem smart, hit it head on. Lead your team in a dumb-question lunch, where everybody asks the dumbest questions possible, with no eye-rolling allowed. As a leader, you have the responsibility to create a safe place to experiment. That might mean clearing someone's calendar and it might mean clearing someone's conscience. Guilt can prevent playful exploration of new ideas and a sense of obligation can halt playful progress."

Intellectual Emergencies: Some Reflections on Mothering and Teaching is a special contribution to the field by Lilian Katz.  She has spent many years conducting workshops for teachers, parents, and students all over the world.  During those workshops, she often refers to her son Stephen, and what she has termed the "intellectual emergencies" she experienced during the years he was growing up.  Her responses to these "emergencies," the moments when he analyzed her actions and challenged her decisions as a parent and a teacher, are presented in this insightful, witty book.


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