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Just Jump In!
April 4, 2013
If you want to be listened to, you should put in time listening.
-Marge Piercy
In her article, "Ten Tips for Becoming a Connected Educator," on the Edutopia website Elana Leoni offers this advice to educators wanting to get started in using social media...

"My friend Todd Hartley recently used a metaphor of a puppy getting loose for the first time to describe how people should use social media. When loose, the puppy jumps a fence and does not look back. No hesitation — it's running full speed to explore (and most likely get into trouble). That type of excitement and non-hesitation is needed if you're going to dive into social media and really experience it.  Make those mistakes, listen, and reflect on how you can use all this to help you."

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Jennifer Carsen · April 04, 2013
Daycare In Demand
Portsmouth, NH, United States

So important to just jump right in with social media. Unless you're posting online pix of people's kids without explicit written permission to do so--a big no-no--it's very hard to really go *wrong* with social media. After a little trial and error, you'll figure out which social media efforts bring the greatest return for your center.

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