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35 Years and Growing!
March 14, 2013
Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
-David Lloyd George

Exchange issue #210 just hit the streets, 35 years after issue #1 was unveiled. During these 35 years...

  • Over 4 million Exchange magazines have been distributed in 50 states and 25 countries.
  • Over 750 early childhood professionals have authored more than 3,000 Exchange articles.
  • Now, over 90,000 early childhood professionals worldwide receive this daily extension of Exchange, ExchangeEveryDay.

We thank all of you who have supported us in all this work for all these years. We are looking forward to the next 35 years.

Bonnie and Roger Neugebauer

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Be sure to check ExchangeEveryDay tomorrow for special pricing on select resources we hope you will find helpful!


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ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

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Comments (15)

Displaying 5 of 15 Comments   [ View all ]
Beth Coffman · March 15, 2013
Sacramento, CA, United States

I remember when I found the magazine soon after you started publishing. I was a new director and desperate for information. You were a godsend to me and my colleagues at the time. I work with directors now and pass on your sage information all the time. Congratulations Roger and Bonnie and keep up the great work. What I love about about Child Care Information Exchange is that you expose readers to the world of business and leadership; beyond the walls of Early Education. Thank you!

Edna Ranck · March 15, 2013
Washington, DC, United States

You all should be so proud! I am really pleased to have known you both for much of those 35 years - I feel like we've been a part of your family and vice versa. Doesn't everyone know Ronnie and Bodger?! What I have admired perhaps most is the willingness and ability to change over time without losing the standards to which everyone at Exchange seems to uphold. That can't have been easy and I applaud all the little glitches that occurred along the way. Please keep up the good work.

Kathy · March 14, 2013
Kathy's Child Care
United States

I love the emails every day. They are so encouraging, help hints, great guidance and so enjoyable to read. Thank you to everyone.

Kirsten · March 14, 2013
World Forum Foundation
Eugene, OR, United States

Congratulations, one and all! Thank you for your vision and persistence in making a difference for young children – and those who work with them – all over the world. It's been a pleasure and an honor to play a small part in your work!

Elaine Yamashita · March 14, 2013
Hawai'i, United States

Congratulations, Roger and Bonnie! I remember Roger coming to Maui many years ago to talk to our AEYC chapter...and being the keynote at our state AEYC conference...holding the first ever World Forum in Waikiki....mahalo for your strong connections to our state.

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