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Dorothy Hewes, 1922 - 2013
February 5, 2013
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
-William James
Dorothy W. Hewes, Ph.D., one of the great champions for all children of the world, died on January 30, 2013. Dorothy was professor emeritus in Child and Family Development at San Diego State University. She was involved with early care and education for more than 60 years through a wide variety of California programs. In 1972, she was co-author of the first preschool administration textbook, An Administrator's Handbook to Early Care and Education.

Dorothy had unflinching and enthusiastic commitment to the cause of early education. In particular, she was best known for her interest in the history of early care and education and for her support for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the 2008 conference of the International Froebel Society, she was presented with an award by their president, who said, “Froebel is known as the Father of the Kindergarten and Dorothy is known as the Mother of the History of Early Childhood Education.”

Dorothy was a frequent contributor to and delightful and generous supporter of Exchange. We invite you to view her Exchange article, "Sisterhood and Sentimentality — America's Earliest Preschool Centers."


This exceptional book demonstrates how centers can face real-world challenges and make quality care a reality. Special selections authored by recognized child care experts enhance this collection of updated articles written by Jim Greenman for Child Care Information Exchange. Readers will be empowered by new ideas on how to make child care programs work for children, families, and staff.

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Comments (4)

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Patricia Kimathi · February 06, 2013
Learning Tree Enrichment Center
Los Angeles, CA, United States

Introduced me to early childhood education at San Diego. She helped me to apply and get a job as the early childhood coordinator at the campus parent participation center. I was allowed to supervise her students at the childcare center. Her love of and belief in the benefits of early childhood education was so strong you had to become an advocate. She changed my life forever. She will be missed by so many of us.
Patricia Carey Kimathi

lenore wineberg · February 05, 2013
university of wisconsin oshkosh
oshkosh, wisconsin, United States

Thank you so much for putting in this information about Dorothy who was my mentor in doing research on the history of early childhood education. I am sharing this web site with my students and discussing her in class.
With appreciation for your work that is informative and inspiring.

giovanna · February 05, 2013
brockton, ma, United States

A good teacher needs to try to be all seeing, should look at the children's interest.

Tamar Jacobson · February 05, 2013
Rider University
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States

A great early childhood hero! I am so proud and grateful that she co-authored a chapter in my edited volume: "Perspectives on gender in Early Childhood," published by Redleaf Press (2010).

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