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The Obesity Crisis
February 21, 2013
Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.
-Jess Lair
Rising childhood obesity in America is a national health crisis. The seriousness of this crisis was made clear in the February 2011 “White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President":

“One in every three children ages 2-19 is overweight or obese. The life-threatening consequences of this epidemic create a compelling and critical call for action that cannot be ignored. Obesity is estimated to cause 112,000 deaths per year in the United States, and one-third of all children born in the year 2000 are expected to develop diabetes during their lifetime. The current generation may even be on track to have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

In response to this crisis, Exchange has developed a video training series, "Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness in Early Childhood Programs" to help early childhood programs learn how to seek solutions. You can view one short segment, "Why Children Are Obese," on the Exchange web site.

For 48 hours only, Exchange is offering a $100 discount on the purchase of Preventing Obesity and Promoting Wellness.

Enter code "100preventing" when prompted.

Child obesity is at epidemic levels. One-third of the children in the America are carrying too much weight.

You can make a difference!

Early childhood programs can lead the way in educating young children and their parents on the healthy lifestyle choices. This Turn-Key Training Program will give early childhood educators the knowledge base and practical strategies they need to make a real difference.

This comprehensive, professional development DVD is comprised of 14 interactive one-hour lessons divided into four modules. The program captures the insights of over 80 experts in pediatrics, nutrition, movement, child development, and adult education, as well as scenes of appropriate practice gathered from over 30 innovative early childhood classrooms across the country. It also includes discussion questions that will measure what the viewer has learned along the way, as well as off-line resources and suggested extended activities.

View and Purchase 

Sale ends October 21, 2015 at 11:59 pm PDT.
May not be combined with any other offer.


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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Susan Cress · February 21, 2013
United States

Obesity is certainly a problem in our nation. However, with all the national concern given to children and obesity, let us not forget all the children who are hungry every day in our country. The children whose parent missed an appointment who are denied money for food that month, the children whose families do not have money for food at the end of the month, children whose parents do not know how to access food or who lack transportation, or crave fresh produce .....it certainly deserves the same amount of national attention.

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