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Obama Plans for Child Care
February 7, 2013
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Two recent articles in the Huffington Post (on 01/18/2013 and 02/01/2013) reveal that the Obama administration is planning a major push to expand early childhood services in his second administration in a manner that is certain to stir wide controversy.

Although details released in the Huffington Post articles are sketchy and certainly not the final word, here are some ideas being floated in advance of Obama's State of the Union address [Note: Often controversial concepts are "leaked" prior to a State of the Union address to gauge reactions in time to make adjustments.]:

  • The plan is "to create universal pre-kindergarten for 4-year-olds from low- and some middle-income families — approximately 1.85 million children... which is projected to cost as much as $10 billion to implement in full.... Kids in families that make below 200 percent of the poverty line would be eligible."
  • "Whereas Head Start emphasizes things like health, nutrition, and emotional development, the new program would integrate preschool into the existing K-12 school system and focus more on academics. It would also expand access to early childhood education beyond lower-income families to eventually include the middle class."
  • This is described as a 10-year project "to transfer responsibilities for public funding of 4-year-olds' education to states from the feds." Part of this plan is rumored to include turning Head Start monies over to states in the form of block grants.

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Comments (6)

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Brigitte · February 25, 2013
United States

This is another example of Obama's SOCIALISTIC (government controlled) ideas. Be warned!

Francis Wardle · February 08, 2013
Denver, United States

I did not think I would ever have say this, but in this case Obama looks like Nixon! He was the last person to try to put Head Start under the Department of Education and run it out of K-12 schools. Why does he think that an institution that is struggling like the public schools - especially when it comes to educating low-income and diverse students - should now run Head Start?

Kimberly K · February 07, 2013
TVOC~Migrant Early Head Start
Monticello, MN, United States

While I agree that Early Childhood education needs funding, can not say I feel comfortable with the Presidents approach. It doesn't sound as thought it is based on and better practices or research. The push for academics at a younger and younger age does nothing towards creating children who grow up with a desire to be life long learners. Without the other pieces of a childs growth being nutured and guided a child will be perhaps book smart ~while missing the other areas of development which will need to be addressed at some point in their lives. I think it is time for opening discussions that could lead to some "high qualitiy" early learning enviornments being developed.

Sandra Brown Turner · February 07, 2013
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN, United States

He really needs to talk to Valerie Jarrett's mom, Dr. Barbara Bowman. Then she can bring along, Dr. Lillian Katz and Dr. David Elkind. Vivian Paley lives in D.C., perhaps she could give him some DAP info. This is not a research-based approach, Mr. President. You are off-base.

Liisa Hale · February 07, 2013
BlueSkies for Children
Oakland, CA, United States

It would be helpful to know who is advising the President on these policy proposals - based on the planned "focus on academics," obviously not anyone who understands child development and realizes that 4 year old brains are not 5 year old brains, or that social and emotional foundations are the key to academic success. How can the field aid the President to propose a program we can support wholeheartedly?

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