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Give Attention to Others
February 6, 2013
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
"It’s easier to have a good attitude when we take the attention off of ourselves and focus on the needs of others," writes Gigi Schweikart in her article, "The Truth about Bad Attitudes," which is included in the Exchange Essential article collection, "Dealing with Difficult People."

"No more complaining or ‘poor me’ attitudes allowed. We all took a position in early childhood education to help young children, but contrary to what most of us think, it’s not the responsibility of our employer or our supervisor, or anyone else to make us happy, that’s our job. Our employer doesn’t owe us, we owe them. Ouch! Now, please don’t misunderstand me. You should never be treated with disrespect or work in an environment that is physically or emotionally unsafe for the children or for you, but we tend to focus on our own needs rather than the needs of others. Keep your focus on the kids and you’re likely to have a better attitude."


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Comments (5)

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chilly · February 06, 2013
United States

Wow! Given the tone of that article, I am not surprised this writer encounters a lot of bad attitudes. Just those few sentences was so full of assumptions and negative judgements... assumptions/judgements that especially seem inappropriate given that the article is directed at child care workers-most often mothers-often making so little that they qualify public assistance. You would be hard pressed to find another group of people doing so much to meet the needs of others for so little compensation. And employers do "owe" their employees....respect, fair compensation, etc!

Jones · February 06, 2013
United States

I agree 100%. Too often our teachers feel as if they are doing their adminstration and the students a big favor by coming to work with negative/nasty attitudes. The students are the ones who are suffering from such miserable professional adults.

Colleen Rosica · February 06, 2013
NORWESCAP Child & Family Resource Services
Newton, NJ, United States

Nancy- really- What's wrong with trying to meet the needs of your staff? In doing so, you model what you want them to do for the children and families in your program. Give it a try and you might find that 100% of your staff fill your program with joy!

Colleen Rosica · February 06, 2013
NORWESCAP Child & Family Resource Services
Newton, NJ, United States

Wow! really off from what I expected! I believe directors need to be responsive to the employees in the same way as they expect teachers to be responsive to young children. Directors need to support teachers in their work by finding meaningful context, gauging the professional's development, and real world experiences. When they do so it models for teachers responsiveness. In order for learning to be meaningful for young children teachers need to use responsive planning.

Part of the process is not to make judgement but to accept the individual for who they are and where they are professionally and build upon the individuals strengths. Attitudes and relationships flurish when responsiveness is part of everyday interactions.

Nancy Gagnon · February 06, 2013
New Hampshire, United States

As the director I TRY to make life good for my staff, but it can be difficult some days. There are some that are (or have been ) pretty demanding--wanting certain hours to meet their needs, or want to work in a certain room, or need a "few hours off", etc.....and then when I cannot met their needs they get all huffy. I often need to remind them that we are here to meet the needs of the students and families......and that I want a center filled with joy and 95% of my staff gives me that....thank goodness!!

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