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Brains Better than Google
February 4, 2013
The closer one gets to the top, the more one finds there is no "top."
-Nancy Barcus

At a time when we are overwhelmed daily by dramatic new developments in the electronic world, it is reassuring when Scientific American("The Language of the Brain", October 2012;) reports that "Our brains are better than Google or the best robot from iRobot":

"We can instantly search through a vast wealth of experiences and emotions. We can immediately recognize the face of a parent, spouse, friend, or pet, whether in daylight, darkness, from above or sideways — a task that the computer vision system built into the most sophisticated robots can accomplish only haltingly. We can also multitask effortlessly when we extract a handkerchief from a pocket and mop our brow while striking up a conversation with an acquaintance. Yet designing an electronic brain that would allow a robot to perform this simple combination of behaviors remains a distant prospect."



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