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Checking References
January 30, 2013
Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.
-Sanskrit Proverb
In screening candidates for key positions, Kevin Ryan in his article, "Building a Team of Players" in Harvard Business Review (January 2012), recommends going beyond the references submitted by candidates and interviewing mutual contacts from your own network.  He proposes that you ask questions such as these...

  • In what type of culture, environment, and role can you see this person excelling?  In what type of role is he or she unlikely to be successful?
  • How would you describe the candidate's ability to innovate, manage, lead and deal with ambiguity, get things done, influence others?
  • What are some of the best things this person accomplished?  What could he or she have done better?
  • Do people enjoy working with the candidate, and would former co-workers want to work with him or her again?

This volume of Exchange Essentials includes 11 selected Exchange articles, in PDF format, providing tools and perspectives on building an effective team:
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Team Building
    by Roger Neugebauer
  • Cohesive Teaching Teams — What Makes the Difference?
    by Julie Powers
  • Indicators of Effective Team Work
    by Margie Carter
  • Referee or Team Builder?
    by Yvonne Jeffries
  • Lifting as You Climb
    by Debra R. Sullivan
  • And 6 More!


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