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Floating Schools
January 29, 2013
We will be known by the tracks we leave behind.
-Dakotan Proverb
In Bangladesh, 20% of the country is covered with floodwaters.  These floods close schools for large portions of the year.  In a typical year dozens, if not hundreds, of schools are destroyed by the floodwaters. A local architect, Mohammed Rezwan, decided, "If the children cannot come to school, I thought the school should go to them. "As reported by the Sundance Institute...

"Rezwan is re-casting rising rivers as channels of communication — and transforming lives along the flood-prone river basins of Bangladesh. Rezwan, an innovative architect and social entrepreneur, is building solar powered floating schools.  Replete with Internet connections, they’ve become mobile hubs for hundreds of communities facing the not-so-easy challenge of water taking their land and destroying their livelihoods. Can this soft-spoken inventor overcome both flooding and global indifference? With a concept that is elegant and home-grown, Rezwan is helping his country adapt to the new climate reality — and cultivating the next generation of problem solvers.  While some still argue the reality of global warming as a man-made phenomenon, the documentary, Easy Like Water, shows the human face of climate disaster and highlights one simple, affordable adaptation that is changing lives by building a future that floats."


Beginnings Workshop: Child Care in Unique Environments

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    by Wayna Buch
  • Reaching the Most Vulnerable Children
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  • Working With Homeless Young Children and Families
    by Karin Elliott and Sarah Fujiwara
  • The Pikler Institute: A Unique Approach to Caring for Children
    by Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Elsa Chahin, and Laura Briley
  • Training Suggestions
    by Kay Albrecht

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Sale ends 11:59 PST 01/29/2013


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Scholastic - Big Day for PreK Free online forfessional development
Specializing in Early Childhood Education Products and Services - iwant2learn.com
University of Guelph-Humber, Toronto: Make your ECE diploma count towards your degree! Study while you work. Learn more at guelphhumber.ca/ecdc

Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Vishakha Deshpande · January 29, 2013
Thane, Maharashtra, India

wow!!! This is really a fantastic work what Rezwwan is doing. This is called as real commitment to the society. I would really love to see this project. It's great to accept a challenge like this rather than cribbing & grumbling about what is not there. best luck to you Rezwan.

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