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Weathering Storms
January 16, 2013
All my life through, the new sights of nature made me rejoice like a child.
-Madame Marie Curie
"How do we weather 'storms' in our lives, and what might we gain from them?" asks Nancy Rosenow in her publication, Heart Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature. "Nature uses storms to promote strength. Trees develop sturdy trunks and branches as they weather high winds, pounding rain and heavy snow. Young sapplings that stay tied to stakes too long do not develop strong trunks and may easily break even in moderate winds. It's the struggle during the storm that helps a young tree develop resilience. And so it is with human beings, for we too are a part of nature.

"Anyone who has ever loved a child knows how hard it is to see her stumble and fall as she learns to walk, or to watch him experience disappointment or hearbreak for the first time. But sheltering our children too much will stunt their ability to develop character and endurance just as much as keeping trees staked too long will stunt their growth....

"Children who regularly spend time in natural outdoor classrooms will have many occasions to strengthen their creative thinking muscles, and develop problem-solving capabilities. They will also inevitably come into contact with the realities of life and death, beauty and decay, gentleness and aggressiveness. They will be given opportunities to ponder some of the great ambiguities of life."

Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature

To support you in finding strength and inspiration for your own journey, Heart-Centered Teaching this week is only $7.95. That’s 20% off the cover price. Order today—for yourself or your staff—and find engaging ideas for making teaching more joyful and effective.

Enter code "Heart" when prompted.

Offer valid through January 12, 2017 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
May not be combined with any other offer.


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