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Remove Your Blinders
January 15, 2013
Let your children go if you want to keep them.
-Malcolm Forbes

"Most of us are cherry-pickers: We pay special attention to information that validates our beliefs and discount or ignore what doesn't." With this premise, Psychology Today (January/February 2013) offers these ideas for removing your blinders:

  1. Break the Flow — Making an argument harder to process (printed in a difficult font or light type) creates a mental speed bump, prompting us to think more carefully.

  2. Catch 'Em with Honey — Providing a friendly window into your argument can make those with opposing viewpoints more receptive.

  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions — To limit preconceptions, stick to open-ended questions: "Do you know anything about what happened to my cookies" rather than "Did you see Grandpa swipe my cookie jar?"

Early childhood program administrators often have a global impression that things are going well or not so well at their center, but they lack specific feedback on just what the different areas of the organization contribute to those impressions. This updated and expanded edition helps directors define more precisely how ten dimensions of a center shape the quality of work life for staff.

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Scholastic - What's so Different about the class of 2025?
EZ-CARE2 provides information & fee management, schedule & attendance, center door security, accounting, and more.  Manage your center better, faster, and easier!

Early Childhood Summer Institute June 24 - 27, 2013

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