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Talking to Children about the Shooting
December 17, 2012
The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.
-Anatole France
In the wake of the tragic shooting in Connecticut, many of you will be working with children and families who will have questions, concerns, and fears you need to deal with.  And, it is important that you deal with these issues forthrightly and appropriately.  We have surveyed members of the Exchange community and they have recommended  these resources, which you may refer to in guiding how to respond: 

For next 24 hours, the Beginnings Professional Development Workshop Acting Against Violence is on sale at a 60% discount.
  • Understanding and Responding to the Violence in Children's Lives
    by Diane E. Levin
  • Early Childhood Professionals - Partners with Parents Helping Young Children Exposed to Violence
    by Beverly Roberson Jackson
  • Shelter from the Storm - Using the Classroom to Help Children Cope with Violence
    by Betsy McAlister Groves and Sally Mazur
  • Power Rangers - An Exposive Topic
    by Diane E. Levin
  • Supporting Teachers to Create a Culture for Non-Violence
    by Margie Carter
  • Listening to Understand Violence - The Voices of Youth
    by Susan Hopkins and Susie Peppers
  • A Message about Violence Prevention from Youth to Early Childhood Teachers
    by Diane E. Levin and Nancy Carlsson-Page
View and Purchase

Sale ends 12/17/12 11:59 PST


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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Chelley · December 19, 2012
JBER, AK, United States

I'm a little bothered by an ad to offer a discount for training material dealing with the topic of violence at a time like this. It's as if people are trying to prosper from the disaster. I would almost feel more comfortable if you had simply listed materials and resources and left it at that but to offer a discount just doesn't sit well with me.

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