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Early Autism Intervention
December 26, 2012
You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait.
-Ellen Metcalf
A new study, reported in Education Week (November 7, 2012), has found that an intensive early-intervention therapy that is effective at improving young children's cognition and language skills can normalize brain activity of those with autism.

"The Early Start Denver Model combines play-based, developmental, relationship-based approaches and the teaching methods of applied-behavioral analysis. The study found that children who received the intervention showed greater brain activation when viewing faces rather than objects, a response typical of the non-autistic children in the study, and the opposite of children with autism who received other interventions."

Exchange Resources on Children with Special Needs on Sale

Twelve Beginnnings Workshop curriculum kits (online only) are on sale for 48 hours at a 30% discount.

Sale ends 11:59 PST 12/28/2012


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Comments (2)

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Renee Silverberg · December 26, 2012
Author Understanding Children and Family With Autism
United States

I would like to tell you about a new book on Autism that I’ve written This book is called Understanding Children and Families with Autism Spectrum Disorders http://sbpra.com/ReneeSilverberg/

Patty Carty · December 26, 2012
United States

The sad thing is early intervention is so important, but in many areas just not available, usually due to funding issues. My grandson received 2 hours of occupational therapy a week for one school year and 45 minutes a quarter of speech therapy. Woefully inadequate and so vital to children's healthy development. Famillies who cannot afford to pay for services out of pocket have few resources.

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