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Future of Philanthropy
December 21, 2012
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-Malala Yousafzai
In its annual special issue, "The World in 2013," The Economist predicts...

"The next ten years or so will be particularly important in shaping the future of philanthropy. Just as Rockefeller pursued what he called 'scientific philanthropy,' gathering together experts to find answers to big problems, today the Gateses and others expect their giving to overcome some of the world's most formidable challenges. If this is seen to work, many more successful businesspeople will give do-gooding a try, thinking they can make a difference, too. But if the results are indifferent in the next decade, there will be a strong temptation to dismiss philanthropy as a fad. Completing the eradication of polio in the three countries where it remains and continuing the recent dramatic decline in deaths from malaria will be closely watched as litmus tests.

"Some quick wins for the new philanthropy would also take some of the heat out of the growing anti-rich sentiment around the world. It might even form the basis of a new social contract, in which large differences in personal wealth are tolerated if the rich make a serious effort to give generously and effectively."

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  • Whom Can We Ask (and Keep Asking) for Money?
  • Building the Donor Base
  • Developing Relationships with Your Donors
  • Events — Yours and Theirs
  • Direct Mail
  • Online Donations
  • Grant Writing
  • Writing Foundation Proposals: Dear Mr. Gates
  • Preparing Government Grant Application
  • Breaking New Ground: The Capital Campaign

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