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Value of Artistic Expression
December 27, 2012
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.
-Oprah Winfrey
"Artistic expression is a demonstration of the human's ability to create. In multiple trials and attempts, one can discover, learn and experience, achieving knowledge of diverse elements of oneself that will contribute in an affirmation of identity and in the discovery of one's own potential. "This is the view of Roxana Salazar and Maria Carmen Schulze expressed in their World Forum book, Modeling with Children under Six Years Old. They continue...

"In diverse activities of expression, a child can practice different paths of artistic execution. They begin to know themselves by trying to transform reality in a permanent dialogue between their imagination and what is real. When the child gives form to the clay, the child meets with their emotions and their spirituality, which brings awareness and knowledge, through the forms, volumes, and movement that the child expresses in the creation."

Young children explore their ideas through experiences with various learning materials. In "Modelando", authors Roxana Salazar and Maria Carmen Schulze describe their work with young children growing up in Bolivia with limited access to resources. Children represent their understandings and develop hypotheses through modeling with clay. Stunning photography and text in English and Spanish share the authors' premise that children can learn and express themselves through materials, given the nurturing of adults who see the possibilities in the resources and the potential of each child.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Manju Murthy · December 27, 2012
Pune , Maharashtra, India

I appreciate the thoughtful analysis shared on this page and make it a point to go through most of them. I connect with children and always take them as wonders of this world, each one is a different and beautiful experience. I thank you for all the efforts taken to bring out these thoughts that enlighten and empower people like me to put them into practice and also help me understanding kids.

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