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The Secret of Success
December 14, 2012
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
-Rachel Carson
In his column in the November/December 2012 issue of Exchange, Dennis Vicars observes "High-quality early care and education is built around a few simple truths that are extremely difficult to execute with excellence....  Concentrate on doing these few things well and your program will be successful:

  • The teacher-child-parent dynamic rules above all else. Everything we do must be aimed at that primary goal.

  • Is my early care and educational environment safe, clean, organized, professional, and educational?  These are parents’ priorities, in that order, so they had better be my priorities, too.

  • Am I running a high-quality program that goes beyond the traditional staff:child ratio and teacher training metrics? Do parents and staff feel supported in this environment?

  • Are staff selected based solely on education and experience or are there other criteria that would add value? A degree in ECE can earn someone an interview, but not necessarily a job offer. Families and children deserve so much more.

"Success in our field truly is about a few non-negotiables, which must be done with excellence and executed to perfection. Less is more, but each thing must be done exceptionally well.

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