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Candor Counts
November 26, 2012
The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.
-Tony Blair
Organizations of all sizes must deal with the issue of candor.  How do you get all staff members to share their views and opinions on the workings of the organization?  Management consultant Keith Ferrazzi, writing in Harvard Business Review (January 2012), shared the results of research at 50 companies, which revealed that "observable candor" is the behavior which best predicts high-performing teams.  Ferrazzi, offered this as one way to promote candor:

Break meetings into smaller groups.  When five or more people meet, those with confidence and commanding voices will dominate.  Even strong speakers may find it hard to take risks in front of a larger audience.  One solution is to break a big meeting up into groups of two or three to brainstorm for a few minutes, and then have a spokesperson from each group report back to the entire team.  Smaller groups promote higher degrees of risk taking and increase the odds that more voices will be heard."

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pat · November 26, 2012
United States

like this very much

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