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Choosing Thankfulness
November 22, 2012
Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.
-Arthur Rubinstein

In a "Leadership Moment: Do People Thank You Enough?", on the New Equilibrium website, Dr. Stephen Payne addresses how to fully engage people in a place where "people just show up."

"The attitude of gratitude is devastatingly effective.  As I transitioned into my new leadership job, I simply thanked people for what they're currently doing and how they will help me come on board.
  The results are absolutely stunning.  After a few months, they behave like we've been together for a year...."

"Choosing thankfulness shows great leadership.  There's an abundance of reasons to complain about things and set a negative spiritual direction.  Rooting our conversations in thanksgiving shows people we know it's
'the set of the soul' that counts most."


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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
geeta bhatt · November 23, 2012
the grand child care center
chicago, IL, United States

when you thank someone, you bring positive energy in the air because you are giving away some thing ... When you wail someone to thank you, you create anxiety and wait for something to happen which is NOT in your hand. What would you prefer? Thank someone and get on with your life!!!

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