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Reimbursement Rates Falling Short
November 2, 2012
When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.
-Dale Carnegie
The National Women's Law Center recently released a state by state report on child care policies, Downward Slide: State Child Care Assistance Policies 2012.  One finding of this report was that state reimbursement rates for the most part fall short of what is required to provide quality care:

  • Only one state set its reimbursement rates for child care providers at the federally recommended level in 2012, compared to three states in 2011 and 22 in 2001.

  • Less than one-fifth of the states updated their reimbursement rates in the past two years.

  • Approximately three-fifths of the states had higher reimbursement rates for higher-quality providers in 2012, but in approximately four-fifths of these states, even the higher rates were below the federally recommended level.

'Increasing payments to providers should be a top priority,' said Helen Blank, NWLC Director of Child Care and Early Learning.  'States need to ensure that programs have the resources to hire well-qualified staff, purchase books and toys, and do everything else necessary to build a high-quality program and offer our most vulnerable children the early learning opportunities they need to succeed.'"

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