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Stacking for Success
October 30, 2012
It's in the preparation — in those dreary pedestrian virtues they taught you in seventh grade and you didn't believe. It's making the extra call and caring a lot.
-Diane Sawyer
In St. Charles, Missouri, elementary students are stacking cups to stay physically and mentally fit, reports St. Louis Today.

"Adrienne Pivac, a physical education teacher at Boone Trail Elementary School, incorporated speed stacking in her curriculum a few years ago.  The activity involves more than just playing with cups, she said
.  'It works both sides of the brain, the left and the right,' Pivac said.  'That increases students' bilateral proficiency, making them more coordinated....  When they go back to the classroom, it's easier to retain information, easier to receive information.  The brain cells are more activated,' she said."

— C
ontributed by Zvia Dover

Big Body Play

"Big body play" - the sometimes rowdy, always very physical running, rolling, climbing, tagging, jumping, grabbing, and wrestling that most children love and many adults try to shut down - can and should be an integral part of every early childhood setting. Drawing from evidence-based practice and the latest research, this book explains the multitude of benefits of big body play for young children's social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development. You will also learn how to organize the physical environment, set rules and policies, and supervise the play.


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