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To Spank or Not To Spank
October 15, 2012
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
-Jane Goodall, English primatologist and anthropologist
"Should teachers be allowed to spank students?"  This is the provocative headline in an article in Time (Oct. 15, 2012).  The article pointed out that...

  • "77% of parents oppose spanking by teachers.

  • "...researchers say there is little evidence that spanking actually works to change children's behavior for the better.

  • "In fact, kids spanked tend to be more aggressive than other kids and are likelier to develop behavioral problems as they get older.

  • "Some studies show that corporal punishment can even lower IQs."

Despite all this, Time notes that 19 states still permit corporal punishment.

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Comments (4)

Displaying All 4 Comments
TealRose · October 17, 2012
Marco de Canaveses, Choose a State, Portugal

This artical should be properly titled - "Should teachers [indeed ANYONE] be allowed to HIT children' because that would stop this sugar coating of a violent act.

Of course they shouldn't be allowed to spank aka hit children - and neither should anyone else. It should be banned as it is in most of Europe - and from the top. Not State by State .... no one in the whole of America should be hitting anyone else - there shouldn't be the option for ANY REASON except self defence, or defence of another.

Let teachers and parents learn that there ARE other ways that using violence - ie a sledge hammer to crack a nut - we can't other adults for 'discipline' or as punishment - and we shouldn't be allowed to hit children who are vulnerable mentally and physically and are learning how to live.

Terry Kelly · October 16, 2012
Spirit Child Yoga and ECE
Aurora, ON, Canada

I cannot believe that it's still okay for people in authority to hit children. We know better. Anyone else who gets hit can charge his/her aggressor with assault. Time to get those 19 states out of the 19th century and into the 21st. Your most vulnerable citizens deserve it.

Dale Wares · October 15, 2012
Norman, OK, United States

I was part of a coalition that worked to ban corporal punishment in Oklahoma Public Schools in the late 1980's. We were successful in removing the option from discipline policies in the urban school districts, but state law still permits paddling. Many rural districts continue to utilize corporal punishment although the practice isn't as prevalent as it was 20 years ago. Also, I think it is important to note that the term "spanking" puts much too nice a spin on the practice. In Oklahoma corporal punishment is administered utilizing a board 4" to 6" wide and 18" to 24" long.

Deborah Pruitt · October 15, 2012
Temple Beth Israel Preschool
Pomona, CA, United States

I really appreciate reading newsworthy topics, such as this one, but also want to read the complete article, especially if I'm intending to share it with staff or parents.

It's very frustrating when a reader can't go directly to the source that you cite, to read the whole article. I try, but then have to subscribe to the magazine, i.e., Time, to read one article.

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