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Toddlers with Grandmothers
October 9, 2012
A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.
-Harry S. Truman
As a grandparent, I am not happy to share this finding Zvia Dover sent to us from Harvard's Daily Stat on August 17, 2012:

"For every year that a young child spends being cared for by a grandmother or other relative while the mother works, his or her test scores at age 3 to 6 drop by 2.6%, say Raquel Bernal of the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and Michael P. Keane of the University of New South Wales. Formal, center-based child care has no such adverse effect on cognitive achievement, according to the study of more than 1,000 U.S. single mothers and their children. Prior research suggests that grandparents are often stressed by child care and may not provide adequate educational activity."  

Exchange Resources on Infants and Toddlers

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• Online play-based assessment & curriculum for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
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Comments (21)

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Habibah A. Rahman · October 16, 2012
Starting Point for Early Care and Early Education
United States

It is important , in my opinion, to consider the demographic differences that influence the interactions and opportunities afforded to and/or enjoyed by the young children in grandparent care. The assumption that all children will be negatively impacted in the care of a granmother is shortsighted at best and poor science at worst. The converse could be said if the quality of the quality of the child care program in which a child is enrolled is poor.

At this early stage in a child's development feelings of belonging, safety and love/affection are especially important to positive development later. The development of language and concepts anchored in real experience are vital.

Some "old" sayings still hold true, "There are two sides to every story."

karen · October 14, 2012
Folsom, CA. 95630, United States

I also gave up my teaching position after being a kindergarten teacher for 21 years to be with my grandchildren. I watch them 2-3 days a week and it is the most precious, wonderful time together. Not that we all don't feel the difference in our energy level being "older" than we were when we had our own children but we have a special bond with our grandchildren, that is different from parents and preschool teachers. Grandma is another person in their life that unconditionally loves them! I plan daily activities, read stories, take them places and give them that secure bonding experience, so that they can go out into the world a confident, self assured child that can handle life as it comes. I am also helping them to learn the importance of understanding others and their differences, how to give to others and most of all how to embrace life and all it has to offer. There are many different situations for grandparents watching children, but it truly depends on a variety of factors. I for one feel I am contributing to a better life for both of my grandchildren!

Elaine Blake · October 13, 2012
Perth, WA, Australia

Troubling research indeed! Limited data and limited results. Begs the questions: why only single mothers? Were the grandparents also taking the role of the absent fathers and sharing other parenting duties? What was the purpose of the survey? Additionally, testing 3-6 year olds from unsettled backgrounds would more than likely skew results.

sharon · October 11, 2012
teacher of toddlers
United States

Curious about 'test scores' for 3-6 year olds. Is the part of a research project and if so, is the 'test' culturally sensitive and age appropriate? I am assuming so but these are rather disturbing statements and I am hoping they are supported.

Theresa Schimmel · October 11, 2012
United States

I'd be curious to know the details of this study as it doesn't ring true with my own experience as a grandmother. My time with my twin toddler grandchildren is always one of doing assorted enriching experiences. I also think that when they are in my care, I allow more flexibility and free choice than most day care settings and I see their imaginations soar. How does one measure freedom to explore and imagine and a more bonding, secure relationship that often comes with grandparent care?

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