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Out of the Box Promotions
October 10, 2012
Before the seed there comes the thought of bloom.
-E. B. White
Phyllis Kalifeh, in her article, "Marketing:  No Longer an Afterthought," in the new Exchange Essential article collection, Strategies for Promoting Your Program, talks about the importance on creativity in promoting our programs:

"Who would ever have thought that a big white duck quacking AFLAC would be a successful marketing strategy for an insurance company or GEICO’s green gecko lizard with a British accent for that matter? Yet, marketing and advertising professionals would definitely consider both of these campaigns very successful. What did they have in common besides large advertising budgets and massive television exposure? They were creative approaches for what can be considered rather mundane products, presented in a manner that was both entertaining and eye-catching. Their appeal seems to be universal; yet what we most remember is not exactly the specific message, but the companies they represent. 

"Relax. I’m not suggesting that those who work in the early childhood field should follow suit and create multi-million dollar campaigns. We know this is not realistic or practical. What we can learn from these examples is that we need to get out of our comfort zones, think outside the box, and address our roles as marketers in a society that is overloaded with information. How can we get the attention of the market segment we’re trying to attract? "

Buy any Title for $4, for 4 Days Only!
(Sale ends 7/19/2013 11:59pm PST)

Exchange has published over 2,300 articles. We have selected the most popular of these articles and organized them by topic into inexpensive ($1 per article) digital collections that you can download to your desktop for immediate use. You'll find that Exchange Essentials are the perfect platform for staff development and training sessions that deliver the essential, critical information staff and students need. Enjoy!

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