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Staff Morale and Teacher Performance
October 4, 2012
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
-Will Rogers
In the VOICES DVD, "Supporting Teacher Performance," Gigi Schweikert makes these points about staff morale:

"When people talk about staff morale in early childhood education, they are really talking about how people feel — 'Am I happy in my job, am I enjoying what I'm doing, am I passionate about it'....  In today's world, is there an expectation that everyone should always be happy?  I think that is really a choice people have to make.

"Staff morale is not so much games and prizes and team building, which all can be wonderful and should be part of a program.  A lot of staff morale has to do with what's going on in each person and the choices they make given the job they have to do."

You can view the entire chapter on "Staff Morale and Teacher performance" from this VOICES DVD, which also includes the insights of William Strader, Luis Hernandez, Akimi Gibson, Peter Pizzolongo, and Patricia Berl.

These are not your typical training DVDs. No scripts. No staged events. Interlaced with real-life classroom video, these powerful DVDs offer you practical ideas and experienced insights from seasoned professionals who speak with the passion and perspective that can only come from years of working with directors, teachers, young children, and their families. Each DVD provides a rich platform for staff development and training sessions that will inspire, motivate, teach, provoke new thinking, and generate lively discussions.

Voices on DVD Titles Include:


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