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Friendships Matter
September 21, 2012
It is little by little that a bird builds its nest.
-Nigerian Proverb
"The strength of your friendships is as critical for your health as the lifestyle choices you make," writes Elizabeth Svoboda in "Lessons for Living" in Psychology Today (September 2012).  Her insight has implications — both for adults, as well as the children we care for.  Svoboda contends:

"We've all heard the usual advice for living longer:  exercise more, quit smoking, limit junk food.  But nurturing your relationships plays an important role as well.  Supportive friendships may do as much to promote your physical well being as a top-notch diet and workout regime.  'The higher the quantity and quality of your relationships, the longer you live,' says Bert Uchino, a psychologist at the University of Utah....

"Researchers speculate that the stress associated with low social support sets off a cascade of damaging reactions within the body, including cardiovascular dysfunction and weakened immune resistance."

Connecting looks at friendship as it develops in the context of early childhood programs, where people come together in unlimited combinations of age, experience, sex, culture, and background. This thought-provoking collection of articles offers practical tools and ideas for facilitating relationships among children and adults with contributions by experts including Ashely Montagu, Judith Leipzig, Kay Albrecht, Lella Gandini, Margie Carter, Diane Levin, and a host of others.


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Comments (1)

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Elsa L. Tsae · September 21, 2012
Gaborone, Southern East, Botswana

Children who are surrounded by positive or supportive relationships from a tender age also develop strong self-concept which builds on to assertivenes and later to critical thinking. Critical thinking is developed from always being critiqued not criticised by loving and caring people around you.

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