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Phases of a Classroom Project
September 17, 2012
The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
-Albert Einstein
In her Exchange article, "Best Brains in Science Under Five: Helping Children Develop Intentionality," which is one of the seven articles in the new Exchange Essential, "Supporting the Development of Scientific Thinking," Judy Harris outlines the phases in the launching of a project in an early childhood classroom:

Phase 1 -- Beginning

  • Identify potential topic initiated by children.
  • Build children’s background knowledge.
  • Narrow topic further.
  • Help children create list of questions to investigate.

Phase 2 -- Investigation
  • Collect resources for investigating topic.
  • Help children use resources.
  • Arrange to meet with experts on topic.
  • Arrange field site visits.
  • Note new questions.
  • Help children record and represent what they’ve learned.

Phase 3 -- Culmination
  • Guide children to reflect on what they’ve learned.
  • List what children know now.
  • Help children find a way to share their learning.

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