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Why Positive Discipline?
September 11, 2012
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.
-Maya Angelou
In her article "What's So Positive about Positive Discipline?," which serves as the basis for the Exchange Out of the Box Training Kit by the same name, Karen Stephens, makes these arguments for employing positive discipline in early childhood settings...

"When used consistently, positive discipline fosters emotional growth as children identify their feelings and express them appropriately.  Children learn to stand up for their own rights, while also respecting the rights of others.

"Positive discipline helps children develop responsibility and independence as they treat materials with respect and care.  Valuable social skills are developed as children learn to problem solve and defuse confrontations.  Logical thinking is nurtured as children comprehend rules and reasons for them.  When experiencing consequences, children learn about cause and effect.  They learn to anticipate and predict events within their control.

"When positive discipline is used, caregivers introduce children to the world of relationships with compassion and patience.  As a result, children develop social competence.  Just as importantly, they learn to trust adults.  By being treated with gentleness and high regard, they learn to respect and love themselves.  All this is possible when teachers focus on positive practices.  What greater legacy could an early childhood teacher leave?"

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(Sale ends 11:59 PST 11/08/2012)

Run a professional development training session with Exchange's popular Out-of-the-Box Training Kits.  An article from Exchange magazine serves as the foundation for each Kit and is included as a handout. 

Each Kit includes step-by-step instructions to prepare, conduct, and evaluate your training session.  The Kits are also flexible enough to allow you to include your own ideas and exercises to meet any special needs of your staff.  And, for 48 hours only, online Kits are on sale at a 40% discount.  The 75+ Out of the Box Kits provide training opportunities in the following areas:

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Tamar Jacobson · September 11, 2012
Rider University
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States

I certainly agree with what is said in this article.

However, I think that "discipline" is positive, and so we don't have to say "positive discipline."

It is "punishment" that wounds.

I believe that we have difficulty understanding that discipline is "positive" because we filter it through our early emotional memories of being punished when we were children.

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