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Responding to Challenging Behavior
September 5, 2012
Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.
-Frederick Wilcox
"Responding Professionally and Compassionately to Challenging Behavior" by Karen Stephens is the lead article in the Beginnings Workshop unit, "When Children are Difficult." In her article, Stephens offers 17 tips for "responding to the spirited children who grace your classroom with their energy." Here are a few of her tips:

  • If children begin losing control or become overwhelmed, provide more structure. This can be achieved by offering fewer choices and providing more specific directions to follow...
  • Include movement activities whenever possible. Make sure movement opportunities are scheduled throughout the day...

  • Choose your battles wisely. Avoid power struggles. When disciplining, use clear direction and enforce limits with reasonable, related, and respectful consequences. Avoid overreacting, raising your voice, and issuing ultimatums. Deal with behavior problems calmly and matter of factly. This will help the child gain control and trust in your support and guidance...

  • When YOU become overwhelmed and drained, seek the counsel of a supportive friend or co-worker. Find someone you trust who will just listen and can give you the release you need to face the next day with an optimistic attitude.

Resources on Challenging Behavior

Resources on Challenging BehaviorExchange has a wide variety of resources on responding to challenging behavior. Here are some examples...



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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Catherine Low · September 05, 2012
Pentecost Methodist Church Kindergarten
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

I was looking for articles to recommend to the parents in my preschool who were encountering difficulties coping with their children challenge behaviors.

Thank you and keep up the good work!

Rachel n colon · September 05, 2012
Somerset, New jersey, United States

I really enjoy reading these article .they are. Dry helpful and I Share them with friends and family .

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